As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be imitators
of Him. The word Christian means “Christ-like”. Our Lord and Savior was a man
of constant prayer. He would be found praying in the morning, afternoon, and
night in accordance with the rest of Israel and according to the Temple service
and saints of old. In addition to praying in the morning, afternoon, and night,
Jesus would often escape into seclusion to spend time with His Father in prayer
(Matthew 14:23, Matthew 26:36, Mark 1:35, Mark 6:46, Luke 6:12, Luke 9:18, Luke
9:28, Luke 11:1, Luke 22:39, Mark 9:29) (The Four Responsibilities of a
Disciple- Darren N. Huckey). If Jesus was a man of prayer, how much more should
we as followers of Him be wo/men of prayer? Prayer should not only be an
important aspect of our daily Christian walks, but it should also be ever
present in our courtship.
One of the things I have enjoyed the most in my courtship
with Greg is how eager he has always been to pray for us and for others. Greg
and I established within the first month of our courtship our prayer routine.
We decided to implement prayer with each other every night before we got off
the phone with each other. It was a bit rocky at first. There were many nights
that we both forgot to pray with each other before heading to bed, but I would
ponder that our forgetfulness was a mixture of the enemy’s desire to not see us
pray with each other. Now prayer before we get off the phone with each other is
second nature. Greg does such a beautiful job at incorporating God into all of
our happenings.
The importance of praying together has stood out
significantly to me within our relationship when Greg and I have disagreements
or when we are just not seeing eye to eye. During disagreements, I am more apt
to want to solve the issues by my own means and with little input from God. I
become very selfish and into myself. Greg is such a blessing. When things are
fresh he will always ask, “Hey babe, can we pray about this?” My flesh is
always ready to yell out “NO!” “I want to bask in my selfishness and I do not
want God to be a part of it because I know I will be confronted with my
selfishness in the matter and have to see things righteously.” I almost always
say, “Okay!” and the moments after we include God into our disagreements
(through prayer) the situation becomes so much more easy to handle, to see clearly,
and to consider things with God’s grace. We also have beautiful opportunities
to apologize to each other because of things we may have said to each other.
This is just one beautiful example of how God will challenge us to become
humble and to kill the pride within us.
I am convinced that all of our disagreements become more
bearable because of prayer. Because we have actively understood that we need
help and that the help we need has to be divine. A divine help that will assist
us both in putting our selfish ways to the side and considering each other’s
feelings first. Like Paul reminds us in Philippians 1:3-4 “3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty
conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than
yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal
interests, but also for the interests of others.” I am convinced that we would
never be able to regard one another as more important than ourselves without
God. The selfishness and pride that resides within us needs to be overpowered
by the grace, mercy, compassion, strength, wisdom, etc. that is only found when
we seek God and when we allow Him to intervene.
Prayer is also essential in our
relationship when we need each other to stand in the gap for one another or for
others. Greg is always willing to pray for me and for others. He takes the
active approach in praying for the situation or people while we are on the
phone together and I have had many opportunities of thanking God for answering
the prayers that Greg has prayed. I want to encourage you all to be couples that
are willing to be like Jesus, men and women of prayer. Knowing that when we
pray, God IS listening. The King of the Universe, the Creator of it ALL has
given us the awesome opportunity of conversing with Him as often as we need to
and He is pleased in answering us when we call. Only positive outcomes will come
out of implementing prayer into your courtship and we encourage you all to do
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