Go ahead and throw all of your knowledge about marriage right out of the window. Well, that is, if your knowledge of marriage comes from movies, society, and/or an outside/inside perspective of an ungodly marriage (where both spouses are not Christ followers). I have been exposed to all of the above perspectives of marriage and let me tell you, they were and are no help to understanding marriage the way it was intended to be understood. Who created marriage? A. Celebrities B. The big bang C. Marriage is meant to be subjective Well, A, B, and C are all incorrect answers. The Creator of marriage is the same Creator who created you and me. His name is God and He introduces Himself to His people (us) in Exodus 20:2 where He says, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” What a gracious God! He brings us out of things and gives us Himself! Marriage as you have heard many times before, is hard and is ha...